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Inquiry into Institutional Response to Childhood Sexual Abuse (IICSA)

This Inquiry investigated whether public bodies and other non-state institutions in England and Wales have taken seriously their responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse, and make meaningful recommendations for change in the future.

The Inquiry investigated a wide range of institutions including:

  • local authorities
  • the police
  • the Crown Prosecution Service
  • the Immigration Service
  • the BBC
  • the armed forces
  • schools
  • hospitals
  • children's homes
  • churches, mosques and other religious organisations
  • charities and voluntary organisations
  • regulators and
  • other public and private institutions.

In addition, there was a Truth Project  where Survivors gave their personal experiences as a victim.

IICSA also examined allegations of child sexual abuse involving well known people, including people in the media, politics, and other aspects of public life. More information about what IICSA investigated is on their website which explains the scope of the work and the principles IICSA must follow.

The Inquiry was an independent statutory inquiry and covered England and Wales. Being independent means the Inquiry was not part of government and not run by a government department. Being statutory means the Inquiry was set up under the Inquiries Act 2005 and had the power to compel witnesses to give evidence.

Contact Details for IICSA