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Media - A Word of Caution

MediaMedia work, for some, is part of their healing.

A Word of Caution - for some survivors it has not always turned out as they had hoped or expected. Many survivors engage with media work and then withdraw, as they no longer feel the overwhelming need to 'Shout the Message from the Rooftops'. They move on with their lives and pass the media baton on to others. 

Social media has produced a new platform for survivors – and whilst this is opening up new doors that large numbers of survivors, globally, are walking through, care, too, needs to be taken not to jeopardise cases not yet taken to court; or that you step too far without a safety net, as there are often – for familial survivors particularly – a loss of not only toxic family members (often a good thing), but also, unexpectedly, from other support too.

The media too can approach survivors and it is important to recognize that whilst the journalist might appear to be comforting and aware, in reality they are there to secure their ‘story’.  After the initial headline, they will have moved on to the next story and you might have to live with the consequences of being swept further along than you had perhaps wanted to in the heat of the moment.

So – with all media work, including social media – be clear what you want to achieve and why. Have a plan for what you want to say and what you are not (yet) ready to say. Seek to stay in control of the process, rather than dance to the beat of someone else’s drum.

CIS’ters regularly take part in events that include media opportunities. Depending on the specific situation, we make a decision on how to engage and what our core message will be at that time.