Information, Advice & Training
We hope that as a professional and/or survivor, you will find this information helpful, including the brilliant videos we have provided links to.
- Myths & Facts
- Training Events for Professionals
- Safeguarding Children Today
- The 'Window of Tolerance'
- Reporting Being a Victim of Sexual Crimes to the Police
- 'FLOW' A film about Disclosure of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- What Does Consent Mean
- IICSA (Enquiry Into Institution Response to Child Sexual Abuse)
- Something to Help Strengthen Resilience?
- Books and Videos & Other Information
- Compensation
It has been difficult to summarise (across our website) the 20+ years of knowledge gained since setting up CIS’ters. We are indebted to the many courageous women who sought us out, and then joined. For the way in which survivors have helped increase our understanding of what they needed and what they didn’t need. As a peer-led group we knew and know what we know, but there is so much more to learn. The debate about consent, safeguarding issues…… the list goes on.
The training events that we deliver, for professionals, across all settings have always been well received and commissions continue to include police; and a recent commission includes an adult safeguarding board. In addition, we have gained a reputation for producing fabulous conferences – drawing both speakers and delegates from across the UK and sometimes beyond. We believe the major success of our events is that our presenters include survivors.